5 Favorite Blogs

Here is a quick list of five of my favorite blogs that I hope you enjoy as much as I do. 1. Sassy Kitchen For the past three years, I have been a patron of the gluten free diet. While its benefits have been huge and it has positively changed my lifestyle, it has left…

Facebook and Blogging: What We Need to Know

As I have mentioned in previous blog posts. Modes of communication that span from written language to the creation of the printing press to the relatively recent invention of the Internet share one key similarity: it took and is in the midst of taking, centuries to perfect these communication mechanisms. For example, the invention of…

Vox vs. The New York Times: How Do They Cater to Audiences?

With today’s technological advancements, the media is growing. News is becoming increasingly accessible, and society is being exposed to more and more forms of news. While all of these news sources have a unified goal of sharing the news with audiences, they all do so in different ways. Take Vox News and The New York…

Journalism’s Loyalty Is to the Public

Historically, the media has held a crucial role in determining how citizens are informed. Journalists and news gatherers were the “gatekeepers” of information; they controlled how society was informed and the news they chose to present to society. Over the past two decades, everyday citizens have grown increasingly aware of this submission to the great…

Are Your News Sources Trustworthy?

As readers, we want to trust the authors we read, especially if we are turning to them to gather important news. And also as readers, it’s important that we are able to recognize what is and isn’t accurate. In today’s age of technology, journalists have a difficult task of providing truthful news in an original…

How Is the Internet Manipulating Our Brains?

The human brain is a malleable matter. As humans, we naturally adapt to our changing environments, and so do our brains. The invention of the Internet is no exception—it dominates our lives. While the Internet has proven to be immensely beneficial to the advancement of society, it is important that we take a look and…

5 Steps to Building a Better Blog

As mentioned in my previous post, the invention of the Internet has created an active platform for both readers and writers to interact in growing ways. In other words, the internet is dynamic and moving. It provides endless opportunities for readers to explore their individual interests. With the creation of the Internet has come the…

Why Is Blogging an Effective Way to Communicate?

Naturally, history has seen a tremendous shift in patterns of communication. Looking back at how word first spread from kings and nobles who dictated to scribes to the present day where everyone has free reign and access to voice their opinions, the growth is incredible. Even in the past few decades where the media was…

Digital Communication: Is Its Effect on Us Good or Bad?

Why is Digital Communication Different? Unlike commonly regarded modes of communication such as speaking, writing, reading and watching the news, digital communication allows communicants to creatively voice their opinions and engage audiences in various and innovative forms of media such as websites, videos, social media and other constantly evolving forms. Communicants have control over what…